.17 Sparkling Survivor
Inspiration Room PodcastMay 01, 2023x
00:50:5735.02 MB

.17 Sparkling Survivor

Shelley is vivacious, she’s vibrant, strong, positive and a Sparkling Survivor of Cancer.

Working as an Oncology nurse, supporting cancer patients, never did she think she’d be here, to tell the very same tale herself. 

The experience of her journey through cancer became her gift. Sparkling Survivor aims to support those people going through the cancer journey. The very essence of Sparkling Survivor is receiving personalised support from an expert in cancer, not only professionally but personally. 

We, at Inspiration Room are honoured to have interviewed Shelley and we hope you will feel touched by her wonderful and inspirational story too. 

 You can find Shelley online here:

Let's do things differently.
Email: inspirationroompodcast@gmail.com